Saint Don Bosco Council: Activities
We are proud to be a very active Council, engaged in all aspects of life at St. Peter’s Parish, both inside and within the broader surrounding community.
Our Council meets formally once a month, on the 1st Wednesday of each month, at 7:30 in the St. Don Bosco room at St. Peters.
Throughout the month, we are active in many parish functions and social events. An example of some of our recent involvement includes:
- Weekly and continuous support at St. Peter’s parish community as Eucharistic Ministers, Liturgical Ministers, Readers, Children’s Liturgy, Ushers, Choir, Music and A/V Ministry, Collection Counting, RCIA and the Maintenance Committee, including leadership in the Parish Council
- Support for the St. Vincent de Paul (SVDP) Christmas Campaign with donations and donating time/help in delivering Christmas hampers to families in need and serving the community’s under-privileged
- On-going direct support for the St. Vincent de Paul association with food donations and gifts for families
- Delivered furniture and supplies, and provided support to recent immigrants
- Provided volunteers to assist with Truth Group (Youth) fundraiser
- Assisted Youth Group with serving meals to the homeless at the Calgary Drop-In Centre
- Sponsored and Administered Youth competition at Local/Regional Basketball Free-throw events
- Sponsored and supported the Men’s Catholic Conference events
- Sponsored IMPACT students on their development journey
- Led and Supported weekly youth sports activities
- Assisted St. Peter’s Parish at the ‘Feed the Hungry’ event
- Supported Annual Bishop’s Dinner fund-raiser
- Sponsored and supported annual “Padre Night” in appreciation of our parish’s priests
- Supported Youth registered to attend the World Youth Day
- Host men’s fellowship nights at St. Peter’s
- Sponsored and installed media LCD monitor & equipment in Don Bosco room
- Hosted the “That Man is You” men’s spiritual development breakfasts
- Serve pancake breakfast to parishioners following Sunday masses
- Carved turkeys in support of the St. Peter’s Turkey Dinner
- Distribute rosaries to youth receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation
- Host annual K. of C. Community Spaghetti Family Dinner
- Welcome new members during the year
- Supported Brother Richard Beaulieu’s journey in the Spiritual Director Program
- Coordinate men’s twilight retreats at Mount St. Francis for Men’s spiritual development and renewal
- Setup St. Peter’s outdoor Nativity scene
- Lead coordination of snow removal for safety of pedestrians around St. Peter’s
- Painted church basement (Don Bosco Room, hallway and big hall)
- Joined St. Peter’s Youth/Truth Groups in a game of volleyball at St. Sylvester School gym
- Host annual Wild Game Dinner and Dance
- Support the St. Peter’s needs, such as the kitchen renovation project, through donations of time and funds
- Organized and executed the parish garage sale to support fund-raising activities
- Support the Hike for Life through marshalling of participants along hike route
- Support Pro-Life campaigns through the selling of roses on Mother’s day
- Support for Coordinating and Marshalling for the International Life Chain
- Host annual Salmon Gala fund-raising Dinner and Dance event